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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Natural Family Planning

Good things in this world blossom from The Family; so as the bad things. Careful analyses decipher the fact that terrorism or hatred takes form from an unsettled family; where love has ceased to exist. Thus the problem is not terrorism; it’s the absence of families.

Every religion talks about Love; but, unlike other religions; Christianity stresses upon the importance of family. The Holy Catholic Church built upon the tomb stone of St Peter; considers family as its building block. The church exemplifies the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Children grow up in the shower of love bestowed by the father and mother. Nothing other than love and compassion will flow out of such family. 

The western life style has destroyed the corner stone of family structure. Children are either born bastards or aborted at the very onset of their existence. For limitless carnal pleasure we think of contraceptives; which on over use can finish one’s ability to conceive for ever. For a healthy family; it’s very important to have control on its number of members. But the methods one use for this should not in any way be detrimental to the very basics of life and family. The church advises Natural Family Planning.

Fertility Period and Menstrual Cycle

We should understand the Ovulation/menstrual cycle; which is normally 28 days; for an effective family planning. Unlike in men; who has the ability to produce millions of sperm at any point of time; women produce only one Egg or Ovum per menstrual cycle. The Egg thus produced has a life span of just one day compared to the life span of about 72 hours for the sperm. Thus an egg has the limited opportunity (Just 24 hours) to get fertile, from any of the sperms, which get deposited at the vagina, 72 hours before its production or 1 day after its production. So if you know exactly when the egg is going to be produced you can easily identify your 5 or 6 fertile days or the only 5 or 6 out of the 28 days for the conception. On a safer side we can take 3 days before and 3 days after ovulation (7 days) as the fertile period. It’s impossible to conceive in any other days out of the total 28 days of the cycle; since only one and only one egg is produced per cycle.

Billings Method to find out the Ovulation Day

Now we should train our senses on how to identify the Ovulation Day. There are many methods to identify this. But the most practical and the most effective is the “Billings Method” named after Billings Couple. They observed that the fertile days in women are always accompanied by the secretion of a particular type of mucus from the glands of the cervix of the uterus. This Mucus makes the sperm alive and facilitates its movement up stream. For lay men this appears as wetness in vagina. On close examination mucus appears as a sticky and slippery white substance. The texture of this mucus changes as the ovulation day approaches. It becomes clearer like water and it may hang in strings when you stretch it; also it would be less sticky and lighter. After the ovulation day the mucus will become cloudy and sticky again or disappear. Thus the slippery; light and stretchy mucus suggests the on set of the ovulation.

So what ever may be the menstruation cycle; be it 28, 25, 38 or 40 days; the fertile period is the 5 or 6 days around the ovulation day. By marking your menstrual cycle for 3-4 consecutive months on a chart like the one showed above; will help you in ascertaining your fertile days. You may increase or decrease the number of columns according to your cycle period.

Boy or Girl

Studies suggest that; the chances of a baby boy are more if the intercourse happens on the Ovulation day. This is because of the fact that sperms carrying “Y” chromosomes; responsible for male child; are active in an alkaline medium and the sperms carrying “X” chromosomes responsible for female child are active in acidic medium. On the ovulation day or the peak day the mucus turns alkaline; where as it is acidic on days prior to that.

These simple things will make you know your partner well; and will serve as an effective natural tool for Birth control. Lets all make the world a better place to live; through healthy families. Let life and family bloom. Let there be an end to hatred.